Past Updates

  • 7/24: We have a couple new members. PLEASE vote for the Poll of the Week and go check out the Message Board! I can't stress this enough because if we don't communicate, then there is no point to the club! Please, just take the few seconds to check everything out and participate! Also, there's another Member Banner up.

  • 7/21: Pretty much everything is up. I'd like to have a Fan Contributions page that has artwork, poetry, fan fic, or anything else you guys have. The only thing is, I need some stuff! If you have ANYTHING you'd like to contribute to the club, please e-mail it to me at! We desperately need members, so get over to the Join Page and join! If you have a site, please check out the Member Banners page and put one on your site! Also, please take the Poll of the Week and go chat on the Message Board!

  • 7/17: The Club is Started! PLEASE check out the message board. I'm hoping that it will be the main part of the club because it is a way for everyone to interact. Also, we NEED more members! Please check out the Join Page and join the club!

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